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Leia is a 40 lb Standard F1 Goldendoodle. Leia isn't an official part of our program, as she is fully owned by her human, but we often partner with her. She makes beautiful puppies! Her mom is Tasha and her dad is Max.

Leia Mama.jpg


"Leia is a sweet dog! She’s so happy all the time.. she LOVES car rides! (She hears our keys and she gets super excited!) She LOVES her kids! (If one of the kids is laying on the floor, she will ever so gently go cuddle up with them.) … She LOVES to take the garbage out! She loves to go camping with us! She is a huge asset to our family. She does get super excited when people come to the house but does settle down and is very relaxed and calm."

-Leia's Family

Past puppies

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